Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Me and My Issue

Hello my names David Crowhurst. My topic is violence in the Kansas City area. In the past year there has been a lot of crimes reported. Just this year in Kansas City alone there has been over 17,527 crimes reported. In 2017 there was over 8,000 crimes reported, the highest crime reported was Non-Aggravated Assault at 4,640, the second highest was aggravated assault at 3,528. In 2018 Non-aggravated assault is already at 4,812 and aggravated assault is at 3,271. In 2017 there was 516 more crimes of this nature. However with a few months left in 2018 the crime rate is most likely going to rise from last year to this year. Since September there has been over 20 instances of assault near our school alone. On the violent spectrum, our schools neighborhood is right in the middle. Most of the crimes that take place are on Holmes Road which is about 5 minutes away. I could address the situation by talking with my friends and teammates about being aware of their surroundings when they go out, and trying to stay out of the more violent parts of KC. Also when my family comes to visit I could help them find a hotel in a safe area close to help if they need it.

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